Monday, April 8, 2024

 Reaction Post : The Invention of Video Games

Today, video games are a $100 billion industry and two-thirds of American households own a gaming system. Our classmate Dylan discussed the evolution of video games beginning with Tennis for Two, an analog game in 1958. Although I have little personal experience with video games, I have watched the video game industry grow and change. 

It was interesting to learn about how technology has evolved over time. The developments of Atari, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have contributed to a vast and growing market. Gaming has become an international phenomenon that connects players from all around the world. The industry continues to grow as the demand for games and gaming equipment increase. One example of this is the Playstation 5, and the reaction of the public. Resellers took full advantage of this opportunity making large profits. Some consumers spent early mornings searching for the console at their nearest gaming store. In December of 2023, Sony surpassed 50 million units of the Playstation 5 sold to customers. As the market grows, new games are developed, reaching new target audiences and diversifying the selection. The quality and resolution is continuously increasing as games become more life-like and realistic. The gaming industry has opened up a new world of jobs, hobbies and even sports. 

Video games have also had a major impact on younger generations. As esports expands, children are finding a new form of talent expression. Most children born after the year 1990 have experienced video games as a central part of their childhood. I can personally recall owning a Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii and Playstation as a child. It is important to include that Dylan also mentioned the negative effects of video games. Those who become addicted to video games may neglect their health or begin to self-isolate. Video games have been groundbreaking encouraging engineers, programmers, designers, and entrepreneurs to take advantage.

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