Wednesday, March 20, 2024

 Values of Free Expression 

America is a nation founded on freedom and our freedom of speech is one of the most important. Out of the eight speech theories, the eighth theory of protecting dissent resonates with me the most. Our protected right to free speech allows us the freedom of expression, and the ability to stand up for ourselves. As a student of politics with a passion for advocacy I resonate most with our right to disagree and make change. I believe that a free and fair society is one that encourages people to share conflicting ideas and develop meaningful resolutions. 

Theory #4 discusses one's right to create their own identity. Autonomy and human dignity are not only a necessary human right, but they also encourage peace and respect. With the freedom of self-expression, we are not only free and fair but we also contribute to a more prosperous, unique and understanding society. This allows us freedoms that many other people cannot enjoy. Freedom of association or freedom of religion for example.

Theories #2 and #5 express the importance of transparency within our political system. Policy changes affect each American in their daily lives, and must have the ability to become self-informed on our legislation and leadership. Easy access to this information encourages a more involved and more knowledgeable electorate. This freedom is extremely important as it protects us from manipulation and ensures that we maintain a free and fair democratic society.

Out of the eight speech theories, the 8th theory of protecting dissent resonates with me the most. One of the most recent examples of this is the response to the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. On June 24, 2022 the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating the federal right to abortion and causing major backlash and controversy. Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice is just one of many divisive debates.

There are many examples where Americans have used their protected right to speak out against the government. Some of which include: Immigration reform, Black Lives Matter/Police Brutality Protests, Second Amendment protests and even protests against COVID masks. 

Concerning immigration, American opinions are almost evenly divided, with those in support of a stronger immigration policy being in the majority. While undocumented residence in the United States is illegal, there are still organizations founded for the purpose of changing these laws. This is protected by the first amendment just like many other legal debates. The First Amendment gives citizens the right to disagree with the government, speak out and take action. 

Many would consider guns to be a defining trait of the United States as the world's strongest military and the world leader in civilian gun ownership. Among 65 high-income countries and territories, the United States stands out for its high levels of gun violence. The US ranks seventh out of 65 for homicides by firearm. As a constitutionally protected right, U.S. citizens can purchase, own and carry a firearm, depending on the laws of the states. This is yet another controversial topic that divides the American people and has been the source of intense discourse for the past decade. U.S. Outlier in Gun Violence | Health Data.

Our ability to speak out about our grievances and encourage change has resulted in extraordinary advances in our freedom of choice and equality. This is a privilege that we should not take for granted considering the high levels of censorship and inequality in other parts of the world. 

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