Sunday, April 28, 2024

 Artificial Intelligence Blog Post 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have emerged as transformative technologies with the potential to reshape virtually every aspect of our lives. From revolutionizing industries to enhancing everyday experiences, the increasing complexity of AI is astounding. In this blog, we will discuss the positive aspects of AI advancement and will address concerns surrounding privacy, national security, online security, and identity theft.AI and machine learning algorithms have the ability to process large amounts of data at high speeds, enabling organizations to operate more efficiently. This enhances productivity and even saves time, allowing companies to be more cost efficient. 

In addition to more efficient operations, AI advancements have the potential to tackle some of the world's biggest challenges, from healthcare and climate change to transportation and energy efficiency. By using the power of AI, researchers and innovators can develop new solutions that were previously unimaginable.Personalized Experiences and Services: AI-powered systems analyze tons of data using  user preferences and behaviors to deliver personalized experiences and services across various domains, including entertainment, e-commerce, and healthcare. This level of customization enhances user satisfaction and engagement while driving business growth. This is most presenting my personal life on social media and entertainment apps. I notice that the more I use these apps, the more they become tailored to my personal preferences, recommending products or media that “it” thinks I would be interested in. 

Among the many benefits of AI’s development, there are also many challenges and concerns.  The increasing complexity of AI raises significant concerns about data privacy and individual autonomy. AI systems rely on vast amounts of personal data to function properly, raising questions about who has access to this data, how it is used, and the potential for misuse or the exploitation of customers. AI also makes consumers vulnerable to misinformation. The best example of this is new “deep fake” technology. This poses serious threats to society. As AI technologies become more sophisticated, they also pose new challenges to national security such as the potential for  cyberattacks and autonomous weapons systems. While the benefits of AI advancement are undeniable, it's imperative that we also address the challenges and risks to ensure responsible development and use of these technologies.

Reflecting on Technology's Impact In My Personal Life 

The youtube video Mad World by Steve Cutts was very impactful and emotional. He did an astounding job at keeping the audience engaged while portraying real life through a dramatized and at times humorous approach. The result was brilliant, a short film that perfectly describes how the world is falling victim to technology. The video asserts several different themes such as, the loss of personal identity, increasing sense of vanity and a lack of personal interaction and emotion. I was surprised by how emotional I felt after watching he film. Steve Cutts portrays these themes of sadness, addiction and vanity through characters in the film that seem to be lost, scared, clueless and depressed. Although the scenes are overblown for a dramatized effect, I understood that they were based on real events and real emotions. There is a scene where a woman commits suicide and another where a woman poses in front of a burning building as people jump from the windows. There is a loss of humanity caused by technology that we all must address before it is too late.

In my personal life, technology has been both a tool and a distraction. Growing up in the age of technology has afforded me the opportunity to learn and develop with the assistance of advanced learning tools. Technology has had a huge impact on education by connecting the world and giving students access to the largest database of information in existence, right from their phone or computer. This has been the most beneficial use of technology in my life.  While technology has been a driving force in my education and has improved my notetaking and study habits, it has also been a main source of distraction. That is currently one of the biggest downsides of technology in the lives of many people. If this gets out of hand, it can lead to overconsumption and a lack of awareness in the real world. Like the youtube video, Mad World, there are times that I have felt a growing addiction and dependence to social media. One of the most negative effects in my personal life may be the inability to pass time without some form of media or entertainment technology. Many people experience this in needing to watch TV while they eat or complete chores. I have recently been taking steps to curb my dependence on technology, especially social media and decrease my time spent on screen. For me, the most effective way to do this is to delete apps. By deleting apps it takes away the ability and the desire to waste time scrolling on instagram, tik tok or twitter. Unfortunately, social media apps are designed to keep us engaged with endless scrolling and data preference tracking, so it is up to us to regulate our social media consumption and limit the time spent on screen. This is especially important considering the plethora of information available on the internet and social media. Because of this, I am not very active in posting on social media and would not claim to have a large digital footprint. Although I do use the internet for many things, I usually refrain from oversharing. 

Overall, technology has had both positive and negative impacts on my life, but as time goes on, I realize the many impactful benefits of technology that should not be overshadowed by the negative impacts. Technology has advanced learning, equality and has even saved lifes. I am truly grateful for technology and the role that it plays in my life. It is up to us now to ensure that we don't allow technology to ruin the world and turn our society into one that mimics the “Mad World” video.

Exploring Alternative Sources of News and Opinions | Antiwar

Exploring alternative sources of news and opinion, such as and The American Conservative, can provide valuable perspectives that may not always be prominently featured in mainstream media outlets. These websites offer a platform for writers and commentators to share their voice. They tend to offer critical analysis and dissenting viewpoints on various issues, including military interventions and foreign policy. So, why might these antiwar voices be less prominent in mainstream news coverage? There are several possible reasons for this:

  1. Editorial Bias: Mainstream media outlets may have editorial biases that prioritize certain narratives and perspectives over others. This can result in a lack of diversity in viewpoints, particularly on contentious issues like war and foreign policy and block out dissenting opinions.

  2. Corporate Ownership: Many mainstream media organizations are owned by large corporations that have specific image goals and guidelines to maintain that image. Sometimes that requires the organization to discern which stories they are willing to publish to maintain the status quo like supporting government policies that align with their financial interests. This can influence what is published and what is not giving that organization a great level of control on the people and public opinion. This is especially important when discussing stories surrounding military operations and foreign policy initiatives. 

  3. Access to Resources: Alternative media outlets like and The American Conservative may have fewer resources and reach compared to mainstream news organizations. This may be due to low funding or a lack of advertising. As a result, they may struggle to compete for audience attention and secure access to high-profile sources and events.

In seeking out alternative sources of news and opinion, individuals can access a broader range of perspectives and gain a more nuanced understanding of complex issues like war and foreign policy. By diversifying our media consumption habits, we can contribute to a more informed and democratic public discourse.

 The Evolution of Location Sharing Through the Lens of Diffusion Theory

From the many new and modern technological advancements in the past decade, location sharing has been transformative and life-changing. Like many other groundbreaking technological advancements, location sharing has its roots in military navigation and scientific research developments. As technology improved, like the internet and gps, location sharing was distributed to the common public. From the

re, the diffusion theory explains its exponential consumer growth. Location sharing technology dramatically improved with the development of handheld GPS tracking. This is how it found its way on to the mainstream market. As the technology became more refined and user-friendly, location sharing began to permeate various aspects of daily life. From social media check-ins to ride-sharing apps, individuals embraced the convenience and connectivity offered by location sharing, driving its widespread adoption across diverse demographics.

With the development of mobile apps on smartphones, the diffusion of location sharing sped up and started to reach more people than ever. This changed the uses of location sharing like using it for snapchat or using it for keeping track of your younger kids.  Other examples would be coordinating meetings up WhatsApp, sharing travel experiences on youtube and even online games. Location sharing has become an indispensable tool for communication and social interaction in the digital age. 

Today location sharing is a huge aspect of our daily lives and for some of us it is woven into our digital existence. This shapes the culture about how the world interacts with others and represents a larger dependence on social media. Our activities when using location sharing leave behind a digital footprint that also reflects our movements and preferences. And its diffusion raises questions about privacy, security and ethical considerations. As we know, not most if not every advancement has some downside and while location sharing has saved the lives of many, it has also been used as a tool to cause harm. As location sharing becomes more pervasive, concerns about data privacy and surveillance have come to the forefront, prompting calls for greater transparency and accountability from tech companies and policymakers.

Overall, as we embrace these new technological advancements we must be conscious about the downsides and the negatives that it can cause in our daily lives. The evolution of location sharing offers a fascinating case study in the diffusion of innovation.  illustrating the complex dynamics between technology adoption, social behavior, and cultural change.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

False Flags | A Tactic of War

A false flag is an inside operation carried out by an individual, group, or government and staged as an attack from an outside threat. False flags are typically hostile statements or acts committed with the purpose of creating a pretext or excuse for further military action. False flag operations are then blamed on the adversary and used as propaganda to manipulate the public opinion.  They have primarily been used throughout history by military forces as a way to justify attacks or
occupying another territory. 

Originally, the term was used on naval ships. During times of war, naval militaries would wave the flag of the opposing country to deceive their enemies. Today, false flags are still used as a tool of war and may involve acts of terrorism, espionage or propaganda. This post will discuss how false flags are produced, and mentions several examples of “false flags” in recent history. 

False flag operations require meticulous strategy and planning. In order to successfully pull off this type of operation, there are several key elements. First concealment of true identity, then the execution of the operation and then blaming the opposition through the use of propaganda. This is done by adopting symbols, uniforms or flags to mimic the opposing forces, strategically placing the attack and then capturing the evidence with low video quality to deceive viewers.

The most recent example of a false flag comes from the war in Ukraine. Mysterious drone appears over the Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The drone were taken down by Russian forces. Russia claims that this was an attack from Ukraine sponsored by the US. But officials in both Kyiv, Ukraine and Washington, D.C. have denied these claims, leaving a mystery to be uncovered

Thursday, April 11, 2024

 Privacy in the Information Era

The Ted Talk videos discussed numerous concerns that we face today within the internet and social media including: data privacy and manipulation, surveillance and increased government access, hacking and online harassment. 

The lack of privacy in this modern era goes unnoticed and is not considered a pressing issue to many. We usually don’t question our lack of privacy until our privacy has been violated, but we should not wait until our privacy has been violated to protect it. Understanding that we all consistently sign to contracts with companies, allowing them access to our data. There should be more regulations around how that data is both stored and used. While surveillance, facial recognition and data tracking should be regulated, I also understand the importance of having access to this data to protect citizens from harm. There should be stronger legislation surrounding consumer’s privacy rights and the government should develop a secure network to confidentially store and protect our data, regulate the process of accessing our data when needed, and protect our data from unauthorized access. While surveillance, facial recognition and data tracking should be regulated, we also understand the importance of having access to this data to protect citizens from harm. 

In order to protect ourselves from digital privacy invasions, it starts with us. The negative aspects of technology should be discussed more often so that we apply safeguards to our daily lives. Some of these safeguards may include time regulation and simply keeping private things private. Because the internet has become such a large space for interaction, many people believe their words (or posts) would become lost among the plethora of information available, but the analogy of the digital tattoo disproves this. We should also beware of overconsumption and how it may begin to affect our physical and mental health in the real world. Overall, although privacy should be the default, our advanced technology makes sure that there is no privacy. Because of this we must find ways to regulate unauthorized and invasive information sharing while taking caution with what we post.

Monday, April 8, 2024

 Reaction Post : The Invention of Video Games

Today, video games are a $100 billion industry and two-thirds of American households own a gaming system. Our classmate Dylan discussed the evolution of video games beginning with Tennis for Two, an analog game in 1958. Although I have little personal experience with video games, I have watched the video game industry grow and change. 

It was interesting to learn about how technology has evolved over time. The developments of Atari, Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have contributed to a vast and growing market. Gaming has become an international phenomenon that connects players from all around the world. The industry continues to grow as the demand for games and gaming equipment increase. One example of this is the Playstation 5, and the reaction of the public. Resellers took full advantage of this opportunity making large profits. Some consumers spent early mornings searching for the console at their nearest gaming store. In December of 2023, Sony surpassed 50 million units of the Playstation 5 sold to customers. As the market grows, new games are developed, reaching new target audiences and diversifying the selection. The quality and resolution is continuously increasing as games become more life-like and realistic. The gaming industry has opened up a new world of jobs, hobbies and even sports. 

Video games have also had a major impact on younger generations. As esports expands, children are finding a new form of talent expression. Most children born after the year 1990 have experienced video games as a central part of their childhood. I can personally recall owning a Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii and Playstation as a child. It is important to include that Dylan also mentioned the negative effects of video games. Those who become addicted to video games may neglect their health or begin to self-isolate. Video games have been groundbreaking encouraging engineers, programmers, designers, and entrepreneurs to take advantage.

 Artificial Intelligence Blog Post  Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have emerged as transformative technologies with the p...